View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Good job!

Really cool. This was good definitely. It had a good story, good graphics and cool songs playing in the backround. I cant wait to see the next part man.

Once again great. Keep it up. 4/5

Awsome hahahahahahhaha

That was sick! HAHA everything about it roxors. The graphics, were great, and so was the actual animation. Awesome style. You could have done just a regular fight, but you made it FF. This also added to the hilarity. This was absolutely hilarious!!!! I was laughing the whole way through. This was crammed full of FF jokes! Sound was good too. Lots of cool sounds and not one was annoying. Got 11 exp., got 4 gil, found potion! HAHA I loved that part.

Overall this was fantastic. I hope you make more stuff as great as this in the near future! 5/5

matt-likes-swords responds:

Big thanks!! I shall make more. ^^,

That was definitely cool man!

I loved the way you did everything, as if everything was breaking down. That was certainly the best part of this flash for me. Graphics were fantastic, though i felt the animation of him running could be improved a little. Wicked animating style, as i said earlier. You did a great job on that part. Great sound, i felt the songs created the mood you were trying to get.

Awesome job. Keep making more flash of this quality. You just gotta! 5/5

Omg that was hilarious!

IVE NEVER FELT SUCH POWER!! HAHA This was hilarious! Ithought it was just a dragon ball z flash with fightingand blah blah...This was much better than that. Good graphics and sound. Funny as hell writing made this flash a blast to watch.

Keep up the greak work. This was funny and i hope your future submissions are funnier.4/5

Great work!

What really made this flash was the song. It just rocked! Catchy indeed! Other than that the graphcs were good, and your style is unique so for me there is nothin to hate about this flash.

Continue making songs. It seems you got some talent man! 4/5


I found the story pretty good, apparently one of the last reviewers didnt. It was cool seeing a movie like this done in the loser's perspective. So great graphics, drawings rocked and so did the animation. Your style has always been great. It was especially good in this movie. Awesome sound too. 99 red baloons seemed to set the mood your were looking for. When september ends also did the same for a much different mood. Sound cant go wrong with green day! There was a little bit of violence and a little humour to top it off.

Overall it was very well done. Great story and graphics. Keep it up, i cant wait to see your next flash!!! 5/5

Nice work.

Nice story...presented very well. You actually came up with a good name for your flash,which is hard to say aboout most that i see. I was touched and at the same time sad........you got the mood across perfectly.
Awesome graphics, except i felt there could have been a little more animation. Nice sound effects and good choice of music. Both the sounds and the music were high quality.

Just overall it was very good. Once again try to animate a little more, rather than just draw. Either way , very nice job. 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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