View Profile Chris-Aldin

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It was pretty good.

This was good dont get me wrong but i was expecting more. I mean more action, plot development and humour of course. Graphics were pretty good as usual. Style good as always, i liked how this time you just had to press space bar rather then clicking on a button. I was a little dissapointed with this one.

Still i know many other people enjoyed it more than i did. This was still well done either way. Add the humour you used to have back in the next one! 4/5

That was pretty cool man.

That was very well done. I dont know what youd call that style of animating but either way it was very good. I did like the graphics, none of it was choppy or anything. I like or animating style, its very unique. Nice sound effects, i like how you used so many. Violence rocks and this had alot of it.

Overall you did a very good job. Keep on doing what youre doing!! 4/5

That was sweet.

That was quite good. The begining was a litte slow but thats the olny bad thing about this. Graphics were pretty good. I liked your cartoony style throughout. Good spoofs on more than one movie, all packed into one trailer. Sound was pretty good aswell. nice sound effects, music and voice acting. This was also pretty damn funny. HA I loved all the spoofs you put into this and the many jokes and came with each different movie. you got a good sense of humour.

Please make flash as good as this..or even better. Either continue with what your doing! 5/5

That was fuckin great!! HAHA!!!!

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Where do you come up with this stuff!? This was too funny, maybe the funniest thing ive ever seen on Newgrounds. Honestly this was a work of genious. This is the reason i cant wait for any of your movies. Theyre all so damn good!!! I cant wait till Tetris comes out(if it even will) and Socom II sounds pretty good.
Great graphics, most people will forget about the graphics because the humour overpowers everything else. But yeah graphics were awesome too. Style was great as always, funny as hell and you still put effort into all the other aspects of flash. Alot of hilarious flash dont do that very well. Sound was awesome too. Sound effects were great and voice acting was just so hilarious. I loved the alternate paramedic voice HAHA! There was some wicked violence in that. The crab pwned him so badly OMG! You got the interactivity from that menu with all the extras, so good job there. Humour HAHA i think ive mentioned that enough. But once more cant hurt, This is one of the funiiest things i have ever seen on the internet. This is going in my favourite submissions and now your in fav authors!!!

Please make more, preferably the ones you have made previews to. This was great and im sure your future submissions will be aswell.!!! 5/5

This was awesome man! nice work.

Very well done. Everything worked together and made one heck of a flash. This was like the movies, i mean the way it was presented.
AWESOME graphics man. I loved the detail in them and also the smoothness of the animation rocked. I noticed the graphics right when i saw the preloader. Style good, i like the stealthy type of mood you set. good job on that. Sound was very good actually. The song was perfect for this flash. It set the mood extremely well. I liked the violence. Good enough for this type of flash.

Overall it was extremely good. Ive always liked your stuff. Breakfast Club was good too. So congrats on the high score and keep it up! 5/5


That was really some great work. I didnt think it would be very good when i first started because it was still underjudgement. I watched it and it was awesome. I really liked the begining where they were fighting on like prachment or something. That part was cool. I enjoyed your graphical style very much. Kind of cartoony but smooth and well done. Style awesome, a funny preview to a movie indeed. Sound was pretty good too. I liked the voice acting, sound effects were great and the song seemed pretty well chosen.
Also this was wickedly funny. More than a few parts really made me laugh. I loved the part where he was just laughin uncontrollably. LOL(how do you spell that)

Overall, amazing. A real blast to watch and review. Thanks for the fun man! 5/5

Ya it was decent.

If you're new to flash this would be pretty good, but if you arent then i know you can do better. Graphics were pretty good on the backrounds and buildings but i found the fighting looked stale. Style, umm not too great. It was just like the old school spider man cartoons, i never liekd those. Violence, not quite enough of it for the type of flash you had. And sound could really be improved. I didnt hear any soundeffects and the song was bad.

Still it was decent as i said. Theres alot of things you need to imrpove on. But you got the basic skillz down, so congrats on that. 3/5


That was definitely cool. Everything thing was well done, and it wouldnt be a surprise if this was your best work becuase this was quite good. Good graphics, you obviously tried very hard on them, as seen with the water. Your style seems to be pure cool, haha thats good too. You have always been good at making music. Ive heard some of your stuff from the audio portal, and they were pretty good to me.

Overall a cool cool flash. Keep up the good work man. you cant get worse from here.

Hah pretty good.

That was pretty good man. Yes it was random and sord of represented Ren & Stimpy but it wus good. Great graphics, animation was pretty smooth. Good style, those ren and stimpy cartoons were funny. Good voice acting and sound effects, though quality could have been a little better. As i sadi before this was funny. I reallly did have fun watching this.

Good job overall. Keep up the effort and the good work! 4/5

pretty good indeed.

This was just good overall. Nice graphics, cool style, good voice acting, some violence and the best part: humour. Ive done alot of reviews lately so im not goni into detail.

Good work, keep it up 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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