OH MY GOD! OMG!!! OMFG!! HOW DO YOU DO THAT!!! Honestly man that was absolutely brilliant! With this submission alone you're in my favourite authors and this is going in my favourite submissions.
This is in my top2 favourite movies of all time! I was looking for something to critisize this about, but there was nothing. So in my opinion this could not have been any better. Now to break it down:
Graphics- I was blown away by your animating skills. Even if you didnt use only flash to make this, the animation was perfect. Awesome animating style, awesome detail throughout and amazing artwork. As soon as i saw the first image i noticed that this was certainly top5 animation that ive seen on Newgrounds, actually ever on the internet.
Style-Perfect. Amazing animating style. I loved the suspense you worked into this. I mean with the dynamtie slowly ticking away while the dog had the bone in his mouth. Great job on that.
Sound-Perfect. Fantastic sound effects throughout the flash, also a great variety. The songs were perfectly chosen. They created the perfect mood in my opinion. Id even listen to them alone, without a cartoon playing with them. The audio quality was pretty damn high aswell. :)
Violence-I think you know where you got violence points from. The dog exploding and the blood flying everywhere. That in my eyes is good enough for a 9 in violence.
Interactivity-You got these points from the scene selection menu and the main menu itslef.
Humour- There was actually alot of it. Some parts actually made me laugh out loud such as when the white dog exploded and the brown dog carried her bones into his hole. HAHA that part was great. I also liked the part where the brown dog stuck his tounge out of his house to eat the fly.
Overall-Basically perfect. I think this could not have been better, but im only one person. Thanks for the laughs and the few minutes of excitement! 5/5