What an ending!
That was crazy! A fantastic way to end the series man! It had a great story and there were points were the writing was fantastic. It was like the ending of a really good movie. I will remember this flash for a long time.
Graphics- Amazing! The Vegeta animation was great, along with the robot they were fighting in at the end. The other animation, of the ducks and backrounds were just hilarious. They really had a cartoony look that i loved.
Style-There were 2 different animating styles this. Detailed, and cartoony, both of which i really liked. Your style overall is very good, not the usual either.
Sound-Perfect! The sound effects were great, all the punching sounds and so on. Perfect voice acting! Again there were 2 styles. Actually good with Vegeta and comical with the other characters. Songs throught out were great too. You managed to work Green Day in there!!!
Violence- I like violence and there was lots of it in this. Cant go wrong with violence! :P
Interactivity-Good for a movie i guess. There was a menu with a few different options in it. So a couple points on interactivity are yours.
Humour-Last but definitely not least: humour. This movie (i can actually call it that cuzit wus 18min!) was based on humour. Hilarious jokes,comments and actions throughout. I can recall one that actually made me laugh out loud: Kame....Hame...HAAA!!!!! LOL LMAO! that part was too funny
Overall- It was a damn near perfect movie. Great in every element youd want, and even some extra. Make another series just this good in the future!!!! 5/5<---really?!?! :P