View Profile Chris-Aldin

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I agree partially with the last review...

You definitely have the visuals down. They were awesome and you they have a different style than most. But when the actual story started i was kind of dissapointed. There wasnt any sound other than the music by Matt Wilson(music was good) and the voices which were only alright. And there wasnt really alot of humour either other than in the graphics themselves. And it was really short too.

Anyways i can see why people liked this but i think it was only alright. 3/5


This really sucked but dont get me wrong i dont think it deserves turd of the week. But its not my decision so......welll better luck on future submissions...... i guess.....

This wasnt good at all. In any way.

Woah that rocked man!

This series is great but i think this Part is the best.You are fantastic at animating with sprites, probably the best on Newgrounds that ive seen.

The graphics rocked!(which ive basically already said) The detail of the backrounds was awesome and there were also a large variety of sprite characters that you used, and that was also awesome.

The overall feel to this movie was definitely cool. I mean the mood was intense when it was supposed to be and it was funny when it was supposed to be too.

The sounds almost could not have been better. Once again there was a huge variety of sound effects throughout. All the music you chose was really good aswell. I liked how there was more than one song in this movie.

A flash with plenty of violence cant go wrong. This definitely had alot of violence and the fight scenes were well animated.

Plenty of buttons help the interactivity so it was a good idea nonetheless.

The humour could have been better but maybe you werent trying to make this a HILARIOUS LOL flash so thats cool.

You did great on this and on the rest of the series aswell. Randy, I wish you luck on future submissions! 5/5

Haha! This actually made me laugh!!

Lol nice job man. I was actually laughing while watching this. Complete Fuckwit! LOL I laughed out loud(literally) when i saw that.

Well thanks alot for making me laugh for a short while! 3/5

I say only okay...

Nothin was really bad about this, its just nothing really exceeded the average. You got the animation down ,which is usually essential to a good submission. The style is also there but there needs to be voice acting. That alone would durastically improve it. It was just too short and there wasnt enough time for anything to really happen.

Well keep it up man. Youll definitely get better. 3/5

Ive never seen anything like that!!! Awesome

That was sooo cool man. Wicked concept and a hugely unique idea. Its true that the graphics could have been better but they werent half bad considering the way you used them. It was all awesome so congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4/5

Better than the last one!

Great job again man! Mario, Luigi, Knuckles and Sonic have never been so 1337! I liked the music in this a little more than Part 1. There was more violence in this one too. Anyways both were great but this one is a bit better. I think this is good enough for a 5/5! Once again awesome job!

That was quite good!

Wow Great job man. I must say you rock at sprites, definitely one of the best sprite animators on Newgrounds. The sound was great too, because there was a big variety. Plenty of violence and humour always hels a flash do well. So congrats on this and im off to watch Part 2! 4/5

Wow.... simply amazing!

This was crazy good man. Sometimes I cant believe what I see and this was definitely one of those times. This was SOOOOO much better than the first one. The animation was much much better in this one even though last time it was great too. The style is actually pretty muhc the same, but just slightly cooler in this. I liked the song better than in the first one aswell. There was a little bit of violence and a little interactivity. The humour in this one was great. I actually found myself laughing at some parts.

I dont know how well this will do but one thing is for sure and that is this is definitely going to win awards. It will probably win review crew, more than likely the daily feature and Weekly aswell. And after all that itll be at the top of the Top 50! Right now its score is crazy high(4.63) and it really deserves such a high score. Ive never seen anything get such a high score since Prowlies which topped out at around 4.75.

Once again this rocked and i want you to make more! This will most certainly do well. Fantastic Job!!! 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

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