View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Great again!

This was great and i enjoyed it very much. Your last two submissions that ive seen have been extremely good. I personally liked Hoy te amo better than this but dont get me wrong both rocked. Your style in animating is very cool. You dont often see graphics or "plots" like yours. Your flash seem to be usually fast paced and or filled with action. The thing that this one did better over hoy te amo was the humour. You managed to get a good amount of humour into this and that was great.

Overall it was awesome and again you really impressed me with your talent. Keep it up! 5/5

O-Ovinnie responds:

yar, I wasnt aiming to 'love' this time (:

Simply Great!

I dont have to say anymore. Great describes it perfectly. But anyways the graphics were awesome. They had a cool style to them that couldnt help but be noticed instantly. I want to see a real movie type of thing with this animation, perhaps some voice actors and more sound effects. Maybe you could add a few jokes here and there. But this was fantastic all the same.

It would be awesome to see a movie with graphics like these. Please think about making one if you're not or havent already. 5/5


This truly reminds me of many of David Firth's animations. The people were green in colour kind of like Salad Fingers. Even if you had no intention of making this how you did it was cool. The sound playing in the backround was eerie and unpleasant to listen to. But in this case it was well chosen. The people looked really odd too, ive never seen animation like that.

Anyways this was good over all submission. I think this deserves the front page spot it has. So good job man! 4/5

Nice work man

This was very good, especially since this was your first flash movie. Graphics were pretty good, there was a lot of violence for such a short flash. And that's the only real problem this has; its too short. I wouldve enjoyed it much more if you could make it longer.

You're going to be an amazing artist in the future if you keep at what you're doing. 4/5

SnafuDave responds:

Thanks Chris. I'm really close to Graduating from College so soon I'll have a lot more time to dedicate to this. I had a lot of fun with making this and I would love to make more.

Funniest thing ive seen in a while!

Haha! Great job! Im still laughing while writing this review! The graphics were cool and also kinda funny. The voice acting was kick ass! Geekbot's voice was cracking me up the entire way through. This was just full of hilatious jokes and comments, making it impossible not to laugh.

Funny as hell! Awesome job!!!!! 5/5


Cool man. I think if you tried harder you could really make a cool, good ,funny flash! Music was good, there was violence and there was some humour too.

So good job overall. If you keep at it youll be a great author! 3/5

Ha...........once again very good.

I said this in one of my last reviews but people will complain because there isnt a compelling story line. But to make a series like this funny, you have to do exactly what you did....or do.

The animation is really cool, almost cute. It has a really cool feeling to it. The sound effects work perfectly for the graphical style. I feel sorry for that fish, he had to suffer before he died. RIP little fish.

Good job again. This is a series worthwhile to watch. 4/5

haha nice job!

This was very good. EXTREMELY funny indeed. I really liked the part where he drops the mushroom into his pants, LOL it really really made me laugh. Some people are probabl going to complain that it didnt have a flawless story and that it was kind of random, but thats what makes it hilarious!

This is a great series! Keep making more! 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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