View Profile Chris-Aldin

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I agree

I Agree completely with the last review. Everything except the graphics were just ok. The story was only ok to me. The graphics i must say were good. The cool thing is how nothing was done badly. So congrats on that.

Keep working on it im sure youll get better.3/5

I cant believe this is your first flash!!!

This was fucking wicked! I guessyou really practised your flash animating skills before submitting anything to this site because this was great!!! I am amazed! I know, if this really is your first flash, that youre going to be ABSOLUTELY CRAZY later on in your career!

So id like to say everything was done exceptionally well. The graphics was maybe the weakest element in this flash but they were still quite good. You guys really got style, and youre just starrting our so thats awesome too. The sound was very funny, like the car grinding through the two others. Also the commentator was HILARIOUS!!! " 3 3ime now how am I supposed to say that?!" Very funny guys! And this leads to your already great humour! The spoilers were ridiculously huge and the moves pulled by the cars were wicked funny too.

My friends andI are always talking about this and we are repeating some lines from it too. This is definitely one of the funniest flash I have ever seen! Obviously I will be looking for somemore of your submissions in the future!!! Once again , FANTASTIC JOB!!! 5/5

You guys fuckin rock!!!!

This was awesomely hilarious! I dont get how anyone could come up with something so unique, well unless you're David Firth. I never saw the original but there wasnt any need to as this was great anyways. So the graphics were good and the song rocked, so obviously sound was good too. You guys have to be amongst my favourite authors now and i know this after seeing about 3 of your great submissions.

Once again this rocked and so do you guys. Im going to look for more of your submissions very soon!! 5/5

omg! nice job!

I mustsay that was hilarious and yes the bunny is really extreme! The graphics were cool and the dialogue rocked. The voice acting was very well done aswell. There just wasnt enough movement i found and if there was more i wouldve voted higher.

Good job again and ill be looking for more ofyour submissions! 4/5


How do you act in real life? I really cant imagine it. But i liked your new style, i mean the paper drawings. It really adds to all the creepiness and twisted feeling each one of your animations have. I dont get this one at all though, but maybe it wasnt meant to be gotten. It would be funny to see a normal flash created by you, that id love to see. 5/5

Absolutely beutiful...

Great job! That was definitely well done! Those were some of the best graphics Newgrounds has to offer. They were crazy good dude! I wish i could make something that looks so awesome, but i dont even have to time to learn how to do flash. Anyways i want to see a movie by you with some dialogue and/or some humour as to make it a very enjoyable flash. 5/5

i must vote 5

The movie was cool man. But for some reason now i have to give it a 5. Maybe you can write back and tell me why.... good job!


Howd you make it look like that!? You could not have used flash!! LOL this looks like a cartoon youd see on TV inbetween the regular programs!! 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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