View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Fucking sweet man!!!

This cant be the end of the series! This was just so awesome!!!!! The graphics rocked first of all, with all the blood andthe sticks and Bitey and other Ng characters. Well youre an author with style and i like that man. I cant pinpoint it, but when you watch this movie, you will automatically know that it has style. The wicked cool music complemented the graphics in a way i never imagined! LOL!!! But seriously the sound was awesome, from the voice acting to the music playing in the backround. And not to mention the violence, which there was a lot of. The ripping of the stick's heads in two was cool because red blood splattered out!!! There was a little interactivity in the play button. And the humour was awesome too. I started laughing as soon as i saw the preloader. There was many funny remarks made through out the movie which also added to the overall humour score. I dont know how you did it but somehow....someway you made this exciting,epic,cool,violent and humourous. Ive never seen another flash incorporate so many different styles into a single movie before.

Once again,please dont let this be the last episode of stick slayer! I want to see more as good as this one here. I think you are truely one of my favourite authors on all of NG! Great job!!! 5/5!

Wow,that was cool!

Great work on this man! The animation was great, it was sooo smooth and i loved it! I loved how that catchy toon started up. First with one guy then so on. The song was catchy and to me it was addictive as hell. Im going to have to watch this many times for i can stop. And you definitely have style man. You dont see this kind of thing very often on any website. I love seeing something different.

This was great, again. I liked this much more then your unanimated movie you did not to long ago with Gel. Keep to animation cuz you rock! 5/5

Good but definitely not the best...

Good job, but this wasnt your best work. I think because nothing really happened in the chapter, and no real progress was made. But the things i found that were realy well done was the graphics and the sound. The graphics were great as always and the sound rocked! I want to see a little more action or maybe just a little more going on. The humourous part was when they were talking to the giant robot.

Anyway, good work and i hope in the next chapter that there is much more action or progress made. 4/5


Very nice job! This series really does have potential to be one of the greatest. This one was more of an intro i presume so the next will have for action. And Chapter 1.2 looks friggin crazy. I cant wait!!!

This was very cool and im sure the next will be also!5/5

Umm a little odd..

This movie was odd, but it does have a very original idea. The animation was good too. I could've given style a higher score but I found this a little gross at some points, but this was generally very funny and a blast to watch.

This was a good flash overall and I hope you dont stop making animations for a long while. Good job! 4/5

Omg nice job!!

First off id like to say this one was much better than the first. There was so much more ownage in this one by Bunnykill and he seemed to be a much better fighter in this one too. I found it cool how it showed how many kills Bunny got.

Anways keep making more because these movies rock. For your efforts you get 5/5! Great Job!

LOL! Awesome concept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny as hell man. I dont know how that made me laugh so much!
This was great man. I want to see more. Your graphics are wicked good and the voices are amazing! It is compulsory that you make more flash, maybe even with some characters from this!

Anyways, if you make more flash as good as this, you'll be one of my favourite authors! 5/5

That was soo cool, but with a good message too

Man, this was very cool. With the cool graphics to the cool song playing in the backround. I didnt really understand this at first then I realized what it meant near the end. Its awesome how you incorporated a good message into a wicked looking flash.

This was nicely done and should get a score of at least 3.5 or higher, you this deserves it. I give you a 4/5!

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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