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Very good.

This was good. But it definitely wasnt one of my favourites. I think all it had going for it was humour and some funny/actually good voice acting. Everything else could be greatly improved. I noticed the graphics werent all that good but were only decent.

Try to improve your graphics. With them improved this might just be one of my favourite series! 4/5

This deserves nothing short of a 10!

That completely rocked! I know Nalo did Solid Snake because i recognized Frog's voice on his twin brother. And Nalo your voice acting rocked in this! Hilarious but actually good at the same time!
The graphics were much better than ive seen you do in the past Frog. Unless they were made by Nalo.... either way they rocked. Style coudlnt get much better than your guys'. Hilarious content with a high quality story and graphics.
I already commented on the hilarious but awesome voice acting you guys did in this. Oh and whoever did the girl's voice (sorry i missed the credits) did it really well.
You cant have a Solid Snake flash without violence, whether it be a serious flash or just a spoof. This was definitely no exception. The hilarious battle scene was a great way to sort of keep you into it if you werent liking it up to that point. And the best part about this flash; the humour. Anything including you Joseph cant be less than hilarious.

Im still looking forward to Tetris, that movie by your friend featuring you. It looks great with alot of humour aswell. It was previewed in the One Ring to Rule Them All 3 menu. If you see this review pleae write back telling me when Tetris is gonna be ready. Im really really looking forward to it.

Great job again! I just love watching your stuff Legendary Frog and Nalo congrats on this too !!!!!! 5/5 <-------OMG!!11


Everything was well done as you can tell because you made it. But i must really comment on the sounds. They were wicked to me and i cant really explain why either.

Well great job! i wanna see more stuff like this on NG!!! 5/5

Boojamon responds:

Well ain't you the king of flattery. I didn't know I had so many fans!

Hehe. I have a new film in the works...but It might not be out 'till June. You can always mail me at Boojamon@yahoo.com if you wanna ask any questions.

Wow simply great!!!!

Awesome idea and style first off. You dont usually see a flash with that sort of fell to it. The animation was definitely a nice change and not only that but they were well done. The voice acting was absolutely perfect for the feel i think you were trying to make. You know it was kind of eerie but at the same time funny. There actually wasnt violence but i gave it some points to you not only cuz this flash rocked but the violence was spoken of.

A few problems and concerns however. Firstly, this was too short. I was enjoying it so much then it just ends.So that was a sad moment for me.
Secondly, I dont want this style to get repetitive too quickly so try to put some of William's actions in too.
Thirdly, actually i forgot so just keep with it....

So ya continue with the series. And dont forget to change the styles slightly throughout your future installments in the series. Wow this is one of my best reviews not my longest however. So do you play videogames? anyways greta job again. And once again keep with it! 5/5

t3h-m4tt responds:

So do I play videogames? Well, I used to, until school started taking up lots of my free time...

Don't worry, it's not going to be the same thing over and over. I'd rather make a single good episode than ten near-identical ones. And there will be more 'real life' shots of William in the second one.


I dont have to say anything else.... the last review said it all. The future ones are going to be bigger longer and better i hope. Good job 5/5

hmm good .........................................

Nice job on this. Graphics first of all were great. Your idea was cool. The voice acting was good but could definitely be improved. And it was kinda funny too, when God said "just a second" for that guy's one million dollars i kinda chuckled.

Again this was cool and congrats for everything about this....that didnt make sense. 4/5

Godlimations responds:

hahaha thanks, I think that people need to watch it twice, because it is really simple to understand :)

Hehe nice job!

Nice job to everyone who worked on this....if there was more than one person. But great! It had an interesting and unique idea that i loved. Graphics were good, there was some violence. But the voice acting wasnt all that good. You should work on that a little bit. The humour was awesome however, all the fate and fated and all. Very funny! I didnt really understand the ending with the random truck falling from the sky or the squirrel with rocket boosters coming from his ass. But it looked as though you tried to make the ending a little weird so no points will be deducted..........

Once again this was funny. But work on the voice acting, with that improved the end result will be better too. 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

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