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Good but couldve been better.

First off nice job on this. I was getting bored because every flash was sucking and then this came and changed all that. The graphics were cool. The sound was only alright, i didnt really like the song that was playing and i dont think it really fit with the animation. It also wasnt that clear. The amount of violence was good and there was even a little humour too.

Once again nice job! The only advice i have for you is to take more time on your choice of song and try to improve your audio quality. 4/5


Nice work on this! My first impression however was not too good because i wasnt all that impressed with the graphics. They could use some improvement. But other than that this really rocked. Great voice acting, random and awesome humour....... really cool. Also the fat guy's shirt changed occasionaly, it said Shirt on it at one point then the next time you see him there is a skull.

This is a very funny movie. I hope you can continue making me laugh! 4/5

Good work!

Really nice job on this man. Definitely very funny and very amusing also. When the terrorist was trying to jump on the box, that reminded me of Counter Strike. LOL! this flash actually made me laugh so good job!

Keep making more man because this rocked! 4/5

Haha great way to start the day!

This is the first flash i watched today and to me it was a really good choice! The graphics were pretty good. The sound was good but i couldnt really here one character, but thanks for putting in what they say. This was obviously very funny and i really enjoyed it. My favourite one was with the Warthog playing In Da Club and Master Chief moving his head to the beat. That one actually made me laugh out loud.

Great job again man. And keep more video game spoofs coming! 5/5

Very good...but with a few obvious flaws...

As i said very well done. Graphics were good, you got good style the sound was cool and there was plenty of violence. It's just i found it odd when the Ninja used a gun. I dont think ive ever seen a Ninja use a gun. Next was the text. It became unclear who was speaking sometimes. I had to focus to know who was talking all the time.

Other than the flaws I pointed out this was very well done. It deserves at the very least a 3.5. I , however give it a 4/5!


This was good. The only real problem i had with it was how it was so short. I was actually kind of enjoying it but it wus good neways.4/5

Way to go!

This definitely had all the element that you'd find in an amazing flash; great graphics, cool songs and sound effects, some violence and obviously humour. The only thing it's missing is of course length. I was dissapointed to hear this was only 16 seconds but i was also amazed at what you accomplished in such a short amount of time. This bunny seems like a funny character so if you make a series try to include him in it.

Great job again man! This flash will do well despite its length. Just imagine how good it could be if it was longer.... 4/5

chrisjulian0 responds:

Thank you for your critique.

Hopefully if my time permits this quarter I can actually accomplish making a longer cartoon with this damn rabbit.

Some of the greatest characters i have ever seen!

As i just said your characters rocked! They were funny and very creatively made. The overall flash had pretty good graphics, good sound and lots of great humour. I laughed throughout! But next time try to improve the audio quality just a little bit and keep working on your graphics, unless you're happy the way you have them.

Good job man! Congrats to Blackfoot Productions on such a great movie! 4/5

Jokermc57 responds:

Thank you for the advice I'll work on my graphics.

One of my favourites!

This was really good as the rest of the madness series is. I honestly havent seen a madness episode score below 4 and its not a wonder why. Great graphics with extreme violence and a little humour featuring total pwnage. You cant go wrong with a combination like that.

Great job again! wow this might be first in the top 50 for a while too based on how well its doing now! 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

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