View Profile Chris-Aldin

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I got nothin else to say...

Great just lke every other chapter. Funny as always, great acting and great camera work always make these a blast to watch.Keep it up!5/5

Great yet again!

You guys are extremely creative! I just cant get enough of this series. As i said before its nice to see something completely original hit the flash portal once in a while. This one was probably my favourite if not one of my favourite chapters so far.

Keep it up guys. This rocked!! 5/5

Oh wow! Looks like a tank of a series!

Looks great man! This is definitely one of the best trailers i have ever seen! I really liked your graphical style. And just the overall feel of this trailer was great. The sound could use some improvement however. To me it just wasnt clear enough. Good choice of song for a trailer though.

Please make the series, it would be a tragedy if you didnt. I really look forwrd to seeing episode one! All your hard work has really payed off! 5/5

Very nice!

That was great! Every element was very well done! Graphics were obviously awesome and the style during the fight scenes was cool. I mean the CRUNCH and the WACK's and all those things. The sound was probablythe best thing this flash had. The voices were amazing whether it be one person or more they rocked. As i said befor the fighting was cool and also at some points quite funny. The humour was also pretty good.

This was a near perfect flash. Definitely keep it up. To me it doesnt matetr that this was late for easter, it was great anyways.!!! 5/5


Good job man! All your submissions are high quality. This cartoon , however was different from the others in the series. This seemed to have better graphics and stuff. So cool and nice job on that!

Keep making more man. 4/5

Looks interesting

It sounds pretty good. But you never really showed any actual animation so i cant tell if you are able to animate very well. Either way story sounds cool and ill be sure to check it out when it comes out. 4/5

teamaura responds:

Sorry about that. Its all going to be a surprise man. Hope you all will enjoy it when I'm complete.

This series is growing on me

The first one i didnt really like but these just kept getting better with this being i think the best one yet. It is a breath of fresh air to see something completely original submitted to newgrounds. Also anyone involved in this did great job. The acting i found was quite good. On top of all of that this series is extremely funny. I couldnt help but laugh throughout. MEOW MOTHER FUCKER!! haha

Please keep it up. I want to see this series continue to improve! 5/5

vdj-microbe responds:

Hi Chris,
Thank you for the review. This is actually a complete movie. We just had to split up the movie in chapters. We are trying to find ways to end each chapter to gain audience interest. We are glad you are enjoying the movie thus far.



Definitely a worth while series to watch. I really enjoyed this one, perhaps more than the other. Good graphics, humour and very good voice acting! Congrats and keep it up! 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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