View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Fantastic jobon the entire series!

Although im dissapointed to see this series end i must say i really enjoyed it while it lasted.It came and left so quickly and every minute i spent watchin any of the chapters was definitely worth while.I hope you guys can eventually bring another series as good as this to newgrounds.

Great job on the entire series. There was funny characters and great acting throughout. Thanks Guys! 5/5

Yet another fantastic chapter!

That was awesome! It wasnt quite as funny as the other ones, but the lack of humour was for a good reason. It really created the moodim sure you guys wantedto have. As always great acting, and funny story!

Make the last one better than the others! Im so sad its almost over :(.... 5/5

LOL, funny as always!

Another great flash! This one was better than alot that ive seen you do. The graphics seemed better than usual, and so did the voice acting. Humour was obviously good and it seems with these that the humour is always good! The only thing i dont get is tht title.

Nice job, again! Keep making more, i really enjoy them! 5/5

Very good job!

Very cool man! Awesome job! I was surprised to see a good stick movie liek this! Sound choice was good and there was alot of violence. I loved the pace of this movie, it was intense when it needed to be!

again great job on this! I hope youll continue submitting high quality flash like this! 5/5

LOL smart idea!

Funny to see what people do sometimes without knowing theyve been filmed. LOL, keep making more of these. then if you can move on to another prank os some sort! 4/5

Ha starting to get a little serious

Another great one, this just might be the best one yet! I hope many more great chapters are coming in the near future. That huge guy is quite a good actor. This is the first time we really gotto see him do anything. Everyone always does great so i shouldnt mention only one person.

Keep the greatness coming Jesse and Joseph! 5/5

Jeskid responds:

Thanks Chris - you're support thruout has been awesome. Nice to see NG fans responding so well :)

Jeskid - Jesse Cowell

Another great one!

All have been great guys. Please keep em coming! 5/5

Jeskid responds:

Thanks Chris. Much MUCH appreciated!

Jeskid - Jesse Cowell

Definitely not bad

Funny idea man! I wanna see the full thing!

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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