View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Once again friggin great!

This entire series rocks!Though they never EVERmake any sense. But thats one of this reasons i liek this series. Crammed full of jokes and funny moments and no real time for plot line. Who cares tohugh these are always funny as hell. " ya nice "armor" dumbass" and like when they fell of a cliff" OH CRAP OHCRAP OHCRAP like 1000 times. This made me laugh soooo hard.

Keep making more until the end of time! 5/5

Woo!! That was insane!!1

Absolutely fantastic man!!! I was instantly blown away by your graphics! They were simply amazing! I dont think this could be any better. The sound was great! Great voice acting, and some great sound effects.Also the music from the Ocarina of Time, and Sims was very good. Those songs fit each scene perfectly.
I cant forget about the humour! It was so damn funny, i was laughing the entire time. Ganonflakes, Link examining the bomb.The poe fight was funny too! Cheap wood or plastic! haha thatpart was awesome! When Link shoots the hook shot and nearly kills himself.
I cant wait until you make a fishing parody of this! The fishing was one of the funnest parts in the greatest game of all time, The ocarina of Time. And that one part where Link imagined himselfas his older self while he imagined saving Saria. When they were kissing, was that making fun of that shitty Epic Kiss series? Either way it looked kind of like it.

Anyways really awesome job! This is definitely one of the greatest flash i have ever seen. Based onthis i can tell you've played and probly liked Ocarina of time! If you dont make more i will die! 5/5

Ha! nice!

This was a very cool little flash. I was surprised at the graphics, which were very detailed and well done. I kind of chuckled just looking at that devil because that style of animation is quite funny. Thats partlywheer you got your humour from. Also what the devil did throughout was funny. Slashing the entire room and falling almsot to his death. This just made me laugh.

Nice man! I obviously enjoyed this! Keep it up! 4/5

Good job, and powerful message.

Very good job on this! I must comment on the song which was very unique but fit the flash perfectly. And the beat was also somewhat catchy. The graphics weren't all that good. They were only okay for me. That giant elephant thing was cool looking though.

Overall good job but keep working on your graphics!! 4/5

Finally , another awesome FLASH!!!!

I was blown away by how good this was! I only felt like this after watching some of the greatest flash ever on Newgrounds. I mean such favourites as Prowlies at the River, Fallen Angel, There she is step 2. All of those rocked and this did also, this is one of my favourite flash i have ever seen!

Your graphics, first off, were awesome. I just loved the style hey had, kind of cartoonie but still realistic at some points. The overall style of this couldnt be any better. It had violence, humour and anything else you could ever want in a great flash. The sound was great too. The voice acting was near perfect in Adam, Stacey, and even the spider robot's voice was awesome too. The violence was great. I really loved the fight scenes. They were like something youd see on TV! With everything else this flash had, im surprised that you managed to get humour in there too.

This just has to win some awards, it was sooo awesome. Ill probably have to stop going to NG if its score doesnt get any higher. Once again fantastic job and i look forward to seeing many more of your submissions! 5/5!

Another great one!

This episode was great, but i didnt like it as much as the first one. Its true at some points you could tell you didnt put much effort into them. Please do next time it would make this soo much better. And take more than a day to do the next one. But anyways the graphics and humour were awesome again. The sound was good but it wasnt the highest of quality.

Keep it up though. I want to see more of the series later on. And please just try a little harder next time! 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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