View Profile Chris-Aldin

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It would be a shame.....

......if this didn turn into a series. This guy is a great new character and there are plenty of ideas and situations you could put him in.
Graphics were quite good. I especially liked the buildings at the begining. Funny idea, gotta expand on it though. Good voice acting and good sound effects aswell. Also i cant forget to mention the humour. It rocked, this was extremely funny. The only critism i have is the length, it was just too short.

Overall it was very good and again, you have to make a series out of this. Itll be a very good one without a doubt! 5/5

So funny!

Absolutely hilarious! Burnt Face man is indeed a classic! Its so funny i couldnt help but laugh the entire way through! I still like your graphics, voice acting and your sense of humour!!! I love this series!

This was so good! You got to keep this up, without you......around ill be incomplete LOL Godo job man! 5/5

Ha cool!

That was good, that stick man pwned all those noob sprites lol! Good animation and creative idea. Plenty of violence, and a cool song in the backround aswell.

Enjoyable flash indeed! Keep this kind of stuff up! 4/5

Surprisingly good.

I just thought this was going to totally suck, but it definitely did not! That was really some good work. Its not a wonder why it took you a while to do. Your probably not extremely experienced with flash so that made this even better, coming from a fairly new author. Graphics were good, nothing really big to improve on there. Good choice of audio and just a creepy story made this a good final product overall.

I say keep making flash. You got some skillz that should not go unnoticed. 4/5

Bill responds:

Thank you, more reviews should be helpful like yours.

That was good, and unexpected.

Very nice! That entire thing was clever. So many creative ideas packed into that flash! So first off the graphics were good, but some parts it looked as though the animation could use a little work becuase it was either a little choppy or it lacked a bit of detail. Awesome style, a week in the life of a ninja who else would come up with something like that?!?! Good sounds throughout. I thought at the begining you could use voice actors but then later on it became apparent that voice actors arent necessary. Great sense of humour also. This was extremely funny and just a blast to watch!

Please make more! You got every element down, only better movies can come from you in the future! 5/5

Your best in a long time!

This one was noticably superior over the last episode. The other one wasnt as funny nor as enjoyable overall to watch. Your graphics were good as always, and the acting was and always has been very good. And Dave, you got a fantastic sense of humour. I have not met anyone yet who doesnt laugh throught a RAB episode. This definitely lives up to your name.

Make more and dont stop until you die. I am always in need of funny shit liek this! Woo! 5/5

Awesome work!

Lovely graphics and style on animation. I havent seen many things with this style. The voice acting is really really good. Congrats on that. Also i love the idea, interesting and unique and hilarious!

Keep this kind of stuff up. Extremely fun to watch and to review!! 5/5

Funny stuff!

I like this series, simply because i know it will make me laugh every single episode! Graphics are decent and the voice acting is pretty good. But i just love some of the ideas you come up with. Like who would think of the ideas you put into this one!? Just the idea alone makes me laugh. I laugh even harder when i see the idea in action.

Good stuff. Good job to the voice actors,animators and the writers! 4/5

That was good.

Your quite good at claymation. It must take alot of time to do something like this. I really like how everything was put together. The colourful menu, to the explanations of each video. It was also cool to see how you improved from movie to movie. You had some cool effects using the stop motion.

Keep doing this kinda stuff, it was quite good. Enjoyable and just plain cool! 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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