View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Not bad at all dude!

I liked this. I didnt really understand the whole concept so an explanation could prove useful. Other than that i dont have any complaints. Nice graphics, smooth animation and unique character design. Awesome style..i like how it was done in grey colour mostly. Sound was pretty good. Good quality but there was nothing special about the sound overall.

Overall this was pretty good. You got some skillz, use tthose skills to make more and more! 4/5

Another great one.

I have yet to see a bad lock day submission. I saw one review that totally tried to maul the Lock Legion, saying their stuff sucked and blah blah blah..I think most people agree that Lock Day ROXORS!!! This one was great too. Good graphics as always, unique styles, funny voice acting, good sense of humour. All are just great! This is a day to remember..haha nice job! 4/5

sandman0277 responds:

Thanks dude! I'm glad to see you're having fun with the little film festival we are putting on ^_^

OMG i am so happy its Lock Day!

You guys are getting so much fuckin better. Im so proud to be watching your stuff. I love how you guys can actually come togethe and make a day where all locks collaborate to make all newgrounders happy. So to break it down, great graphics. Your animation is always smooth. Awesome styles for animating goes out to each one of you. Sound... i like the voices, and the subtitles are great. And cant forget the humour. I like your senses of humour, very uniqe and what not.

Keep them coming guys. Woo Lock Day!!! 5/5

ClockLock responds:

<3 Much love dude! Happy Lock Day! Glad you enjoyed it!

I enjoyed that.

Man im really starting to like you Lock guys. Ive seen a couple quality submissions in a row, and im fairly impressed with them. This one is no exception, just as godo if not better than some of your best stuff. Nice graphics, always smooth and refined. Good funny stlye all the time aswell. Sound always funny. To me the voices werent too soft. Humour...funny..very funny.

I liked this. Keep up with the stream of quality submissions!! 4/5

BatteryLawk responds:

Thanks man, I hope you like our future submisons also. <3

That was awesome. Love the animation.

That was probably one of the best frame by frame animations i have ever seen. You can obviously do that with relative ease. I did notice the 2 frames where he looked down, but to me that wasnt a big deal, just 2 tiny mistakes.
Graphics were very very good. These were especially good for an FBF aniamtion. I wish i could do something as good as that. The reason you got a 9 instead of a 10 for graphics was becuase to me there seemed to be some unecessary scribbles in the art. Style was good, youll automatically get high style points from me if you do at least a decent FBF. Sound was cool too. I liked the heart beats at the very begining. The song was cool and seemed to be well chosen. Its just other than the heart beats there werent any sound effects. Nice fight scenes aswell. It was easy to tell what was going on.

Overall you did an awesome job. Keep up the effort and the good work. I hope to be seeing for FBF's from you soon! 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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