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Good idea, though it does need some fine tuning.

The game was fun while I played it, and it did seem to work just fine when I was playing it. The idea is a good one, and while it does need some adjusting here and there the game still managed to be fun. The visuals were probably a little too simple, except for the menu and chat windows. The snakes were just different coloured lines, but I can imagine how difficult it is to make detailed snakes while making everything run at a playable framerate. The actual gameplay is the area I felt could have been improved for a few reasons. To start, the game ran a little slow in general, the snakes weren't smooth flowing like they usually are in Snake Games. The controls were also a little bit unresponsive, taking a little bit of time to move. Lastly, when you started a game you were sort of thrown right into it, and it was kind of hard to tell which guy you were at first, even with the names on top.

Overall the decent execution of this great idea was enough to make this game fun, for at least a little while. Keep on improving!

Nice, almost as addicting as the real thing!

Very nicely done in just about every aspect with this game. The one thing I am sure people are worried about before playing it is how similar this was going to be to the actual game. Im sure once most people played it, they realized it stayed true to the game but there were many things about it that were indeed unique. The visuals were impressive for sure, and the smoothness of the animation was there to go along with it. Though I would like the sound to have a little more to it (maybe a small track list, different sound effects for destroying the shapes) it did what it was supposed to do just fine.

Im still pretty bad at both versions, and this one is almost as addicting and it is sitting right infront of me! Keep it up man.

Simple and fun, nice work.

This game had a lot to like about it including its simplicity, cool graphics, original premise and responsive controls. Though ironically the simple premise to the game is the only thing that brought the game down from its ultimate potential. There is only one mode of gameplay and it does get old fairly quickly. The overall product of the game would be improved if you managed to put in other modes, possibly a multiplayer mode where you race to hit the squares or something like tiles that make you bounce higher/lower. Despite this, it was a fun game while it lasted and I loved the idea.

Keep up the effort.

Not bad bud!

This was certainly a respectable first attempt at a passable flash. It seemed as though the effort was there, not only to make it look very cool, but also to make the noobs of this type of music get only a few correct and allow the experts to be extreme with it.

The graphics were pretty cool, very stylistic i guess you could say. The style was how you young peoplez say "fly" because it was kind of trippy but, you know still comprehensible. The song choice was pretty good for the most part, but some may have been even a tad obscure for the exparts. I loved the backwards segment! :P

So all in all, it was a very decent quiz. You may have a future ahead of you Bigboy, keep up the coolness.

Bigboymagee responds:

Hahaha, thanks Aldin. I did work fairly hard on this quiz so I'm glad to see that people are enjoying it. I suppose that some of the songs were rather difficult but I didn't want the quiz to be a joke.

Very nice job.

This was certainly better than i thought it would end up being. Naturally i like these kinds of videos a little bit more than most people because these are the kinds of videos we make as well. I was seriously impressed with this one, mainly because of the whole interactive idea. I can never get enough of those kinds of movies, so the more you make the better i guess. Anyways here is my review.

The graphics were basically as good as they can get in a fairly lengthy FPS video. The actual video quality was pretty good, luckily you were granted the larger possible file size, it really payed off in the end. The flash effects were just as good as in your previous submission, the ammunition, the grenade and its explosion. All that kind of stuff really added to it. Just a quick question though, why is that you use your left hand instead? And i think you could have had the gun point a little straighter on some occasions. The style was certainly this movies strong point. Everything about this, other than the actual FPS style, was completely original. You are the first guy to really combine some flash and real life into an FPS video, and on top of that you added different paths, a really cool idea that me and the rest of X_Aldin want to try out soon. It was definitely worth going through each possible direction as they all offered very different experience. Since this was the first movie of its kind, interactive Real-Life FPS, natrually it was very original and this was a great start to this new technique. The sound was good too, again with the Duke Nukem voice clips. Though i think for the enemies using theyre own voices might sound a bit better because i dont like the voice they have now all that much. The one exception is the boss of this interactive movie. The gun sound effects were nicely in sync throughout and the others just kind of gave it a sort of atmosphere. It was still fairly humourous as well.

So overall this was another very good piece of work, and congrats on the great score. Sorry it took so long to review, i just never got to it as i had planned. Keep up the excellent work in all of your future submissions.
PS - Thanks for the Credit.
-Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

Good base, but needs refining.

As i said in one of my previous reviews, ArmorGames can never totally dissapoint me. This game is not the best i have played from this crew, but its certainly a worhty game anyways. The base of it was fun, but everything needs some going over and tweaking. Here is my review.

The graphics themselves were good. The drawings were simple, but well done along with their colours. The backgrounds could have had more effort for sure. The shrubs and flowers on the horizon looked nice, but then there was just a still picture of a sky. The blue collectables looked fairly uninteresting as well. The primary enemies were pretty bland too, except for their swords which actually looked pretty cool. The animation was smooth, but the movements still could have been more detailed themselves. The heroine's skirt appeared ripped in one place as well. The three dimensional introduction was pretty well done though, i thought the whole game was going to be 3D at that point. The style was decent. We do already have quite a few side scrolling platformers that take place in medival times on this site. There are always collectables, and simple sword swipes. This style of game is certainly not very original anymore. The running movement was fine, along with the sword swipes. But the jumping was awkward because you seemed to jump way too high, and you couldnt even move backwards in the air. In a game like situation, that is very important. Other than that, there were still a couple errors in the programming it seemed. The enemies didnt move except for their arms which made them way too easy to kill. They also wouldnt turn around if you jumped over them. When they hit you in midair, you would only take the hit when you landed and i found that a little odd too. The sound was probably my favourite aspect of this game because it really didnt have any flaws, other than being a little repetitive. I loved the intro music my Edgen, its a good idea to use his stuff. The music playing during the levels was not half bad either. I would recommend you making the grunt quiter when the heroine jumps.

Overall this was a decent game, worthy of a decent score. This is no amazing game, but it does have some good points anyways. Just keep at it and be sure to refine all the graphical and programming problems in the future.
-A single Thumb Up 3/5

Pretty good, K-FED got owned.

Nice game, for sure. It was certainly very fun and entertaining while it lasted. It had a great idea, fantastic visuals, unique gameplay, and overall just a great presentation. More games like this should come out more often. Here is my review.

The graphics to start off were pretty amazing actually. Everything was really detailed, including the character designs and also the backgrounds. K-FED and Britney looked pretty accurate while making fun of some of there more distinct features. The colours were all great and the animation was smooth. The style was great too, i mean a game making fun of an extremely hated celebrity, while the player gets to beat them up. Who wouldnt find that fun? The animation style was nice too, definitely seemed to have some thought behind it. The one thing here is the fact that it is just another celebrity beat up game, we have quite a lot of those already. The sound was great, though i would probably change the song to make it fit in a bit better. All the voices and sound effects were good. The voices were funny, especially the big charge up yell! All the sounds just seemed to work out for the most part.

Overall this was an excellent, well made and programmed game. It is a good recommendation to anyone who hates this gross couple. There was humour, violence, anything anyone could really want. Nice work!
-Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

Really REALLY cool!!!

This was damn cool. After beating this one after playing it for about four hours i went to check out the other one the next day to give an accurate comparison of the two games. This one was without a doubt a huge improvement over every aspect of the last one, and this is saying a lot because the first one was still amazing! In this second installment, Johnny had even more of his personality from before, he was more laid-back, a better fighter, and definitely more bad-ass! Obviously this game was much longer and a whole lot more challenging, for the best of course, although it did grow frustrating at some points. So i guess a few hints would be helpful, but arent essential. Here is my review.

The visuals were just awesome. They werent beautiful or stunning like the Bitey series, nor were they bright, pretty and colourful. They were extremely stylish, definitely not something you see all the time. Firstly, the animating style was awesome. Everything kind of looked rugged, slightly run down or old, like a real life city. The visuals basically had a very urban look to them, and to me this was extremely original. The characters were awesome, and very memorable, especially the store clerk and of course Johnny himself. You could tell some things about the personalities of the charactes just by the way they looked. Johnny really did look laid back, almost constantly throughout the game. The Thugs looked awesome too, sometimes with their muscles with veins all over them, or with cool looking clothes. Lastly the animation was very smooth throughout, the cutscenes were amazing.

The next aspect, style, was no worse than the graphics were. The animating style as i mentioned before was incredible, very urban, original and relaxed when it needed to be. I found it extremely cool! I like the use of grey throughout this game, most things were grey, but you used some colour to emphasize things such as the gum under the window sil where the pigeon is.(clue). You really did a fantastic job of bringing out Johnny's personality just by the surroundings he lived in. They were very gritty and run-down. The idea of the game was obviously quite good, i love all the point and click adventure type games, once i start playing them i just have to be one of the first ones to finish them. Like in this game, i spent 3 hours beating the game the first day it came out. The story was pretty cool, fairly well developped though it sort of ended a bit abruptly. The game had a very cool feel throughout.

The sound, another virtually perfect aspect in this game. The music was pretty sweet. There were quite a few different tracks, in cut scenes and of course the main game. They were all very cool, and i would probably listen to them on their own. The sound effects were very numerous and all sounded cool on their own. The hitting sound effects sounded as though they really hurt!. I do think, however, that the series would be even better if you got together a couple good voice actors. Many things that you clicked on reacted in some way and the things Johnny said were often very humourous.

Overall this was an awesome game, certainly permanent top 50 worthy. I wouldnt be surprised if this remained at the number one spot for at least another week before its score drops like everything else that makes it there. Please, make another one all of your fans need it! This is good enough in my opinion to go into my favourites!
-Standing Ovation! 5/5

My Favourite Game of Pico Day.

Though it is almost a week since Pico Day i havent been able to review this yet. It certainly deserves one in my opinion as it was probably my favourite game submitted on that day. I dont think the score is quite what it should be, many people just took this as an adventure/quiz type game, when if they love NG would have enjoyed so much more. I basically loved this game because of the memories of older NG characters, knowledge of some other ones, and also every other element backed this principle idea up well. The game never grew boring either, i thought it might turn out that you had to go from room to room, with the exact same enemies and difficulty of questions in each one, but luckily i was wrong. Here is my review.

The visuals were impressive. I could leave it at that but i certainly feel they need more explanation. Of course Pico looked pretty good, you could tell there was some real effort put into his design. The different enemies also looked pretty good. It was interesting to see the other little characters periodically in the rooms. And lastly the old NG characters usually looked funny/cool, depending on what they were. The first two types were perhaps a little bit simple, but they definitely worked out fine. The backgrounds were good, and the change of style from one level to the next was essential. The backgrounds sometimes didnt quite appear as they should be, however. Sometimes they were noticably lower in quality or the pillars seemed a bit awkward. The pictures were done by you right? Even if they werent they were used well and became an important part of the game.

The style was good enough in my opinion for a perfect 10. The animating style of this game was really only clearly seen through most of the pictures and obviously Pico. But this was just one of the many things that helped out with the style. Naturally since it was Pico Day and this was a Pico Themed submission, the general style of it was pretty awesome. The main focus of this game was obviously to make the viewers remember and to learn many things about Newgrounds. Maybe for some people it was just to see how much they knew about this site. And lastly i think it could be just to showcase your work, that is if all of that is yours. Either of these things or a combination of them certainly worked out for you here. You gave this a storyline too, it was all that deeply developped but it added a little bit to this aspect as well. Also you did a fantastic job of making the ending battle sequence really intense. I seriously enjoyed that part.

The sound was pretty awesome. I rather liked all the music playing in each level. The first tune was questionable at first but it quickly grew on me and fit in with everything else. The sound effects were pretty good, and they also fit in. The Very last piece of music (same as the protection theme) along with the other sound effects in this scene and the awesome drawing of G-Bot. Totally Epic! This game had some good violence, interactivity and some humour in there too.

Overall this was an excellent in just about every way. Great visuals, awesome style and everything else was good too. This game was really creative, and the idea was done very well. I wish more games like this would come around more often, using NG as their main theme. Anyways please kee up the great work both of you, im looking forward to see more.
-Standing Ovation! 5/5

Afro-Ninja responds:


Like Wario Ware for the computer!

Really fun and well constructed game. This further proves how anything associated with Armor Games comes out just awesome in almost every way. When i first started playing this game i was extremely impressed with it. I have never played a game this fast paced and that forced you to think very quickly on the internet other than Marvin Spectrum. While playing this game i was also thinking of the many similarities this game has to the Wario Ware series for multiple nintendo systems. This reminded me of the first time i played those games for each of the systems. One major difference i noticed between the two, however, was the amount of mini games available. Here is my review.

The graphics were fairly impressive throughout. They helped the game come out exciting and they were kind of fun by themselves. Though it terms of detail and drawings, they were only sufficient. Most of the 20 games had very similar animating styles, and some were a little different, the different ones made for a unique experience amongst the others. The animation in each game from what i recall was pretty smooth and kind of added towards the exciting factor of the game.

The style was certainly without a doubt the strongest element of the entire game. Like i said earlier it was like Wario Ware with all the games coming at you very quickly and how the player had to quickly understand the game in order to complete it as quickly as possible. This game was still pretty original despite being similar to that series because each game was very different, you had your very own animating style, and the general layout is is not the same. There were still a few minor problems with this aspect though. The pirate game was a little odd at somepoints. The X was difficult to see on occasion and once or twice i would reach the X and just go right through it, and after i would lose a life. And the "Follow Me" game was easy to cheat on, you could just button mash and win extremely quickly. I liked the game "dont touch" thrown in for good measure. Also, i would have liked to see more minigames in this.

The sound was great as well. It was basically just the music, including some applause, cheering when you completed a game or a buzz when you failed. Most games also had their own little sounds, these actually helped the final product. The music fit the action on screen, fast paced, and fun!

Overall this was an awesome game worthy of the rewards it has earned. I was enjoying it so much at the start, but then i was dissapointed at how long it was, and this is my only big critique id say. Anyways Armor Games has yet not to prove themselves in a game. Very nice work.
-Standing Ovation! 5/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


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