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Perhaps my favourite one yet!

Way to go man, this was awesome on so many different levels. For one, it was awesome in my opinion compared to most of your other submissions, not to say your others werent any good, its just i found this one so well done with everything including the humour! It was also awesome compared to many of the other christmas flash that were submitted, many people would simply say it took home the best christmas flash. Also it was just awesome compared to any other random submission. I dont know exactly why, but i specifically enjoyed this one, and personally i would choose this one over your last few, anyways here is my review.

The graphics were really impressive, more so than in your previous submissions in my opinion, i found everything kind of melded together a bit more fluently than usual, if that makes any sense. The drawings are always excellent, with constant funny facial expressions, and amazing detail in the character models and some spots in the environments and backgrounds. The colours work perfectly with your animating style, which is actually pretty good. The animation is getting better, i noticed less movements that appeared to just have simple tweening in them, or maybe other aspects of the visuals didnt make me notice them! The style was superb. I liked the idea, first of all. Its fairly creative, and fairly original from what ive seen, but its the presentation that really made it work for me. The presentation made everything in this movie just that much better, for example, the swearing, rhyming, and the narrator. I can always expect a good sense of humour from your movies, this one did not disappoint me. The sound was awesome, from the sound effects through to the voice acting, all made the movie seem better. The audio quality was very good, and that completented some of the characters voices and some sound effects. And the excessive swearing always makes me laugh out loud!! I just have to mention the humour in this, it was very good one of the funnier flash movies i have seen for quite some time, thanks for the laughs!

Overall this was a very good movie, with strong but not quite perfect elements that came together very nicely by the end, and made for a fantastic movie. Please keep them coming this strong, i am always in need of a good laugh here and there and your movies have been a good way to do that. Keep up the effort and the great work! Seriously way to go!
~Standing Ovation 5/5

Hilarious! Nicely done!

Very funny man, i actually found myself laughing out loud on multiple occasions while watching this movie. It is not often that i actually find a flash funny compared to TV shows or movies and stuff, but this definitely was man. But humour was still only one of the many things that made this flash worth while to watch and to review. I enjoyed everything about this really, in comparison to the others this one could possibly be the most well rounded in terms of all aspects being great. Anyways here is my review.

The graphics were awesome, the sprite work was nicely done in every way. Of course the choice were the sprites were good for this movie, to continue the series obviously. But the backgrounds were also pretty well detailed for an FF animation using sprites. The animation was pretty good too, it was smooth and the movements looked good too. Im starting to see some good sprite stuff again and this is one example id show to someone looking for a good sprite movie! The style was awesome too, your sense of humour was pretty clean for the most part, and even at its worst wasnt gross or disturbing at all, and i like when an author can be funny without any gross notions. Your idea in this particular episode was good, a little random for my liking but in the end still solid. The presentation still managed to be pretty good, everything ended up making sense, but how it got there was a bit odd. Anyways a nice job for style overall. The sound was awesome, the voice acting was the main factor here, all the voices had great expression and variation, and they were just fun to listen to. The expressions of the voices also added some humour to some of the jokes. The sound effects were good too, but they didnt add too much to the final product, but they made the movie seem more complete.

Overall this was a very well done sprite movie, and its an excellent continuation of the 8-Bit Theater series. Some people might say this is the best one, and i can definitely see why. Anyways please keep the series coming on such a high note with each future movie in the series. I have high hopes for it!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

Wow, i sure do love these stories!

Way to go yet again, you are truly becoming one heck of an author. The first submission that i saw from you, Stage Fright, was really cool and pretty eerie to, and since that movie you have remained true to you skills and styles, like making your movies either scary or eerie, or maybe just flat out bizarre. But this is a big reason why people love you as an author, so in this case being weird and eerie is a very good thing. On top of that you always have impressive visuals, and a good story with them. So i wasnt in any way disappointed with this movie, here is my review.

The graphics were awesome, they always are pretty good with you. But i havent given you a 10 yet i dont think, but either way you are very close to it. The drawings were very cool, and i just love the eyes on your main characters, they actually show quite a bit of creativity. The colour of this whole thing was effectively done, only using a bit of red for her bow and her drawings. And the rest was black, white, and grey, and that colour scheme works very well with the rest of your movie, and im not quite sure how you do that so well! The animation is always smooth, and just well done overall. The style was awesome, deserving of a 10 in my opinion. The animating style was awesome first of all, its truly original and creative and you seemed to make it totally from scratch. But there were a few other things that helped out here too. The idea was fantastic, its just a really cool thing to think of and to create. The story that went with it was awesome too, it was brilliant really. Yeah it was a little bit unimaginable and i guess you could say unreal, but thats what people love about it. Stories that can actually happen in real life arent very successful most of the time. The presentation was also really well done. The story was told wonderfully, but in the end the story didnt quite live up to the one in The Little Girl which in some ways followed a similar style. The sound was again, awesome! The voice acting was great, especially that of the narrator, was that your voice? The sound effects were good too, and it the end everything that had to do with sound just worked very nicely together to get a cool mood across.

Overall this was an awesome movie, deserving of a good review, and a great score. You are one of the best female artists on the site, if not the best. I really love your stuff, and it seems with each one your talents are becoming even greater than the movie before. Please keep it up and with one more like this you will probably be in my favourites!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

Awesome, really well done!

Wow man this was awesome, and acutally really well done in every aspect, even in comparison to the first Up Skit Creek. Everything was done surprisingly well, and some things were done noticably better than the first one such as the visuals, where you improved on your animating style, the style because this needed to have 2 parts and hence it was longer, and finall the final product came out better in the end, though its a bit tough how exactly it did. I decided to review both parts of this sequel at once because i mean it was just one movie split up, and you seem to want people to watch both parts before giving full reviews and scores. Here is my review.

The graphics were awesome, they were certainly improved over that of your last few submissions, and noticably better over the last Up Skit Creek movie. This was mainly due to an improvement in your animating style, while you maintained it from before you refined it, allowing some more room for detail or animation. The drawings were usually pretty damn good and i must say i was really impressed with some of the lip sync and the facial expressions and detail in them in general. The animation could use a bit of work, like on some movements but it was still good. The style was basically perfect. I mean your animating style is just so good, and the idea is awesome, plus the the flash is named very well, the name is not only appropriate for what goes on, but its a clever way of saying it too. The idea is pretty cool, putting a whole bunch of different clips into one movie, but in this one i really liked how you kind of connected some of the clips, like with the guys having a dual and constantly moving away from each other. The presentation was good, even if some clips were a bit slow going. he length was really good, i mean it had to be if you split it into two parts! The sound was awesome too, the voice acting was really good and always had great expression and variation, it was a smart idea to get some other people to do some voices to keep them all sounding different.

Overall this was a very funny and entertaining movie and really deserves the award it has, and on many other days would have been the #1 Daily. It is for reasons like this that you are in my favourite authors, its been a while since ive last seen a submission by you that has really satisfied any flash craving i have had, so nice work and dont let this be your last!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

TmsT responds:

Gee whizz, what a long review! You should split it into two parts! ;) :P

The main reason why the animation looks so much better in this one is because I almost always use 16fps now instead of 12fps.. and I used a lot of line/vector -based drawings instead of mouse-drawn ones.

2nd place is pretty good for something that only had 6 hours of votes before getting that award! Imagine what it might've got if it had 24 hours like the other movies! :D

Fantastic, better than your last one!!!

This was nearly too awesome for words, it was similar to your last one in terms of its visuals, catchiness, and overall how fun it was to watch over and over again. By the end however, this came out better without a doubt at least in my opinion. This was basically good for the reasons ebaums world dot com was, but in this pretty much everything was done just a little bit better and in some cases much better. The first time i saw this, i was instantly convinced this is going in my favourites, and you Neil are now in my favourites as well. This just cant be the last submission you make that is this catchy and this good overall. Here is my review.

The graphics were great, but again they were fairly simple, but as you have said before the simplicity in the graphics in done purposely, whether that is completely true or not, i like it when their simple in movies like this with a catchy song and amusing lyrics. So being simple is definitely not bad in all cases, then again you wont find many that effectively use simple graphics in their movies. The drawings were great, pretty funny to look at sometimes, espeically drawings of Shaq and Chuck Norris. The detail was there where it absolutely needed to be, but you did nicely in keeping it fairly simple. The animation was actually very well done, and pretty smooth sometimes. During other times, i was just a tad bit dissapointed with its inconsistancy overall, but in the end it didnt effect your overall score! The style is always a key for your submissions, especially your last 2 which thrive off a cool style and an awesome song to go along with it or vice versa. The animating style is near perfect for this movie, the simplicity is pretty much the only thing concerning the animating style. The idea was pretty awesome too, i mean the whole concept of writing an original song about something is creative enough, but what you actually made the song about was almost even better, yes it was a bit random but you made it work SO well! The presentation was very good too with everything in sync and the visuals often demonstrating lyrics from the song. The sound is probably the most important thing in this movie, fortunately that was the most impressive element too. The whole song was just fantastic, spectacular, brilliant! It was very catchy, clever, creative and certainly original. Plus the singing in it was actually pretty good.

Overall this was another amazing movie from you guys. You have to make at least one more music video created around an original song, because your last two have been so awesome! Well i dont really have any advice except keep up the effort and the awesome work, eventually you guys could come out with a CD, which i would probably buy! Anyways another awesome job, way to go!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

altffour responds:

I enjoy reading reviews that are intelligent, so thank you for this.

We have at least 3 more planned in theory, as we would like to release a DVD at some point.

Wow! Incredible!

Wow man, that was amazing, i cant put exactly what i think into words! Me and my sister both found this quite an amazing, entertaining movie and truthfully she really doesnt care much about flash and all that stuff so thats a real compliment! I have never seen a movie with better claymation than that, and there were also some other pretty good elements to back it up such as its style and sound. Now i think it would be cool if you could make a series out of this using characters and a storyline. Here is my review.

The graphics were well simply amazing, honestly claymation now has a new bar set for the best it could be. It hasnt been done better for sure from what ive seen, and i have seen quite a few different claymations from many different authors. The reason, it was just so damn smooth, i imagine to make the movements so detailed it must have taken a ton of time, and hence you have put tons of effort into it. Some models looked pretty good aswell, such as the hands and the puddle effects and other stuff like that. The style was awesome too, like i said it would be even better if you used this incredible animation in a series of some sort. But i liked how you demonstrated many different things you could do, hands, tentacles going through the ground and coming up in another spot, facial expressions, basically everything possible with clay. Maybe it was just a bit short, but i realize there were filesize issues, and simply how much time you wanted to take on this. The sound was great in the end, it was only the song but a good song. It went well with the movie too, so nice choice here!

Overall this was a really impressive movie, yet still with room for improvements on a bit of everything excluding visuals. Well i was blown away with it in the end, you could potentially be the new god of claymation if you keep submitting movies more frequently, anyways dont rush things just to have them submitted, keep taking your time like you are!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

MackProductions responds:

you're awesome at reviewing! haha thank you very much. It is truely great to hear the things you have said. I remember you from revieing my other claymation Become, still then you gave great and in depth reviews. Thank you

Another great special, way to go!

Wow guys, i would have never thought the same style of humour could last for so long, and keep going with its great quality in its consistancy from movie to movie. Im not only talking about the consistancy with the humour in your movies, but with everything else too, specifically style and the visauls. Its been a while since you guys have submitted a movie that actually continues the series on, but the specials have been quite good as well, so in my opinion it doesnt matter what you guys choose to do. Here is my review.

The graphics were quite obviously, awesome, i mean they always have been and since your earlier movies they have definitely improved. They seem to be constantly improving with each of your movies, most of the time i notice it in the special effects such as the shading and some colours. The drawings have always been cool too, especially in your character design because you can always tell when its from you guys and i like that about any author really. Nice work on the animation too. The style was great, but it wasnt quite as good as your last submission because well, other than its theme was fairly similar. The whole presentation was kind of close to what it was in the last one, in terms of when you tell your jokes, and kind of how their told. The style of humour itself was awesome, its almost as if its funny but subtle in a way. The idea was pretty good as well, in your Special flash a creative idea is almost essential to make it truely successful. The sound was awesome too, while this didnt have too many sound effects, the ones that you did have worked pretty well. Most of the sound came from the voice acting, which had great expression and variety amongst the characters.

Overall this was a very good movie, with very few flaws, that in the end didnt affect the final product very much. With each one of your movies i am becoming more of a fan of your work and one day you might be able to call be a TRUE fan. Anyways i hope you guys can keep up the great work, and maybe come out with a movie for New Years!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

Great work, and a great parody!

Way to go on this sequel to your first parody, i dont remember too much about the first one but i do know that this one was a huge improvement over an already great movie. I think basically everything was done better in this, from visuals to humour. I did enjoy this one for sure though, and everything was actually done pretty well, and as a parody to salad fingers it was simply fantastic, you basically made fun of everything you needed to, in order to make a very successful parody. Here is my review.

The graphics were great by themselves, but when compared to that of salad fingers, they looked nearly identical, you did a great job of capturing the whole feel to that weird series while adding in some new stuff of your own. The drawings of the characters from the series and your own were pretty good and even yours seemed to fit in to this odd environment. The detail in the characters and some instances in the backgrounds was pretty good, more than sufficient in some cases. The animation was good, and again in some cases helped make this parody more similar to the real thing. The style was awesome too, not only for making this look like the series, but for pretty much everything else that helps style. For example the idea was awesome, first making a parody, and then what you put in it sort of. The presentation was awesome because you managed to put many memorable parts from the series in this, such as the Nettles, and Jeremy Fisher. I liked the storyline too, though a little disorganized and vague and some points, it seemed you were trying to do it this way to match that of the real series. The sound was awesome too, the voices were eerie, and Salad Fingers' voice sounded so close to the actual one. I really enjoyed the sound effects too, as well as the quick/loud noises when the screen was flashing quickly, and then quickly back.

Overall this was an awesome movie that i think any fan of your stuff or the series can enjoy, this isnt quite my favourite submission that youve submitted to this site, but its probably right under first. Anyways keep it up, im looking forward to another one of your movies!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 4/5

rtil responds:

wow thanks for the insightful review
glad you think i captured the essence of salad fingers for this parody
and that you think i made fun of everything there is to make fun of, because there is no way in hell there's going to be a Pallid Fingers 3.
Expect much different submissions from me in the future.

Nicely done!

This was a pretty good movie in the end. All aspects were above the average, and some even went way beyond what id expect from an average flash on this site. The whole idea of this short movie was pretty good, esepecially in terms of animation, the idea is something that would be fun to see animated. Well this did have some flaws, some were pretty easy to overlook when you pay more attention to everything else that was done well in that aspect. Here is my review.

The graphics were great, and close to getting a 9 in my opinion and heres why. The drawings were great, you made your characters look somehow innocent when clearly the mouse wasnt. I liked your use of detail where you needed some to create a really good animating style. The colours also helped out to give a really, smooth, original animating style. The one thing i found you could have improved on is the amount of animation, while there was some the movements you had were pretty simple throughout. The style was awesome overall, not just because of the idea i talked about before, but for a few other reasons as well. Your animating style was nice and very original. The presentation was pretty good, i liked the use of text, and the text itself actually looked pretty good too. It could have been a bit longer i suppose but the length was sufficient. The sound is where the real problem came in for me, i watched this through once, where the song was playing before you click play, and the it starts playing again once you click it, so the song sounds chaotic almost with 2 playing at once, and not in sync either. But other than that, this movie sounded great, i really enjoyed some of the sound effects you had in there. Good sense of humour topped it off well.

Overall this was a great movie with a few tiny flaws and one big one with the sound that dragged it down. Either way i enjoyed it and pretty much everything in it. And it seems many other people did as well, i wouldnt be surprised if this made the Top 5 Daily!
~Two Thumbs Up! 4/5

stoners-lunchbox responds:

Unfortunately there's an error in the actionscript. For some reason it won't play this properly. I tried to fix it countless times but i still didn't achieve the result i wanted.

Shame... Anyway, thanks for the feedback!

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

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