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Great job! Fun song you chose to animate too!

Way to go on this movie and every aspect in it. I actually havent heard the song before, but im so glad i eventually did, its truely one of the better songs i can remember that i have heard from the Audio Portal. But you certainly did it justice with this movie as well, so all the credit shouldnt go to Denvish himself. You had great animation, a cool idea and a good, clean sense of humour that i think anyone can like. Here is my review.

The graphics were just great, they were definitely what id call "fun" and certainly fit the movie and the song itself. They were simple, and thats what i loved about them in this case, except you should try to add in some slightly detailed backgrounds at least. I loved the little characters too, especially the little guy playing guitar, it was almost cute! Smooth colours and animation made for a nice final look to them! The style was awesome for the most part, but a few small things made me think a little differently in the end. Such as the length, it wasnt totally satisfying, and i know you did a music video and the song happened to be a bit short, but you can put small animation clips before and after the song next time! Good idea though, choosing to animate to a funny song like this. The sound was awesome, the song alone was good enough for a 9 for sound, but there werent other sound effects where i felt small ones could be.

Overall this was a great movie, fun for everyone or it looks as though you tried to do so at least. Congrats on the Daily Feature, you certainly deserve it, anyways i hope you can keep working on movies and i hope you keep improving your skills as time goes on!
~Two Thumbs Up! 4/5

stoners-lunchbox responds:

I have not much time so i have to make this brief. I'm really sorry but i have no choice...

I read your comments and i noticed that you spotted qute a few flaws that the others did. I'm working on fixing them and trust me, they WILL be fixed.

As for the pros you spotted, thanks for spotting them!

Glad you liked the song! Peace out!

Awesome job, best Halo parody i have seen!

This is definitely up there with the best halo parodies i have ever seen, it has been quite some time since i last saw one even worth watching, so this was almost a treat for me to see. Everything in it was well done, you didnt just focus on one aspect that i look for, in this case the main aspect was probably humour, but there were some solid visuals and a nice style to back it up. This also got me anticipating another one of your movies, which i hope will be coming pretty soon. Anyways here is my review.

To start off, the graphics were great. I was fairly impressed by them as a whole because in general everything about them was done very well, but there were a few instances where i felt you could improve on some things, such as the smoothness in the animation and the detail in the characters' movements. The drawings were good in both their detail and accuracy to the real characters, and the same goes for the colours. The graphics more than did their job! The style was awesome, your animating style could use some tweeks to give you more of a distinct look to them. But i was more than satisfied with the length, just that alone shows you put effort into this. The idea of doing a biography of a game character in general would be awesome, but choosing to do it on Master Chief made it even more worth while. The sound was awesome too, despite the length and the filesize, everything managed to be pretty good in terms of audio quality. I also enjoyed the voice acting as well as all the sound effects you had.

Overall this was a great, lengthy movie that any person who knows Halo can enjoy, not just its biggest fans. I hope you come out with another biography or at least another movie soon. Keep putting in the effort you are now, and who knows what will happen in the future!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

Great work, yet another wonderful cartoon!

Great stuff Cycon, this movie is one of my favourites that you have made, and i have seen quite a few by now. Everything was done fairly well, certainly every aspect was above the average that we find here on NG. Your fans would truely love this, a fan base like this series has is important to make sure the series can continue on a high note. Everything that made this DCK series what it is today was present, but perhaps they all could have been "refined" or went over in a way. Here is my review.

The graphics were great, by themselves i really enjoy your drawings and the cartoony style you put into them. The detail is always good, and even by the eyes you can tell you made them, so you have a very distinct style to your drawings in other words. The colours always add to this too, and they did a wonderful job of doing that in this episode. What i didnt particularily like was the animation itself, it wasnt quite smooth enough and the movements were stale, for example in the running, the leg moved as one thing. The style was great as well, it always is with your stuff and i have yet to be dissapointed with it. The idea is cool, a bit random but that is for the best i think. The presentation was great too, with a long movie like this lots of everything can happen. The sound was awesome, except for one thing. And that was the audience laughter, it was kind of funny to hear it at first but then quickly grew somewhat annoying because it happened so often. Other than that the voice acting was great, i loved the expressions and the sound effects were very good too.

Overall this was a great movie, capable of winning at least a single award, and i think it deserves to win a little something. It wasnt your funniest flash ever, but from what i can remember it was the longest, so i hope you can keep this up with your future movies!
~Two Thumbs Up! 4/5

Very good! Another hit from Weebl and PEABO!

Really nice work guy, it was impressive to say the least, there are some things i would have done differently in order to make this a better movie. But for the most part this was awesome on every level, from some awesome visuals to a host of cool sounds. This isnt quite my favourite one in the series, but it definitely didnt dissapoint me what so ever, and it would do more than satisfy your biggest fans, nice job on keeping them in mind! Here is my review.

The graphics were awesome, just as they were in the other episodes, maybe even better than what i can remember. Your animating style is fantastic, very cool, and you seem to have even put thought into it. The drawings were awesome, they were wonderfully smooth and detailed at the same time. I liked all the slight shadow effects you put on them as well. The detail was great, you basically had the perfect amount to retain your animating style! The style of this movie was great, the style of animation was only one factor. I would have liked it to be a bit longer, and perhaps have a bit more to do with the series. But your character design remains very original, and with the Toast character, very memorable. I like how even if they are short the effort is always there. The sound was awesome too, very good voice acting and sound effects that fit effortlessly into the rest of the movie.

Overall this was an awesome movie, with plenty to offer to your fans, and a lot to offer to some new fans. This has made me more interesting in this series for sure, they have always been quite fun to watch, and i hope they will continue that way. Keep it up!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 4/5

This wouldnt dissapoint the fans for sure!

Nice job man, this was pretty good in every aspect. This didnt really come down to how well the aspects themselves were done, but rather how polished each one of them were, because to me the whole thing seemed a bit rushed, even though it probably wasnt. I was amused for sure, but i still felt everything could have been touched up here and there. Still your fans would be happy, but it may not bring too many new ones in. Here is my review.

The graphics were great, but they did seem unpolished at times, for example, some backgrounds such as the main one were too simplistic, some animation seemed "reused" from last episodes, and some drawings just didnt seem to fit in as good as they could have. But i did like the character designs for the most part, especially Fierce Diety Link's design. The animation was generally pretty good, sometimes it remained on a single image for too long though, like when Link's son was crying over his father's death. The style was great, good animating style, but i have seen better from you in previous episodes. The idea is awesome though, and since im a fan of the Zelda series it helps even more. I love how you create a backround for this "your own" link, with a bit of history at the start, and kind of what he is feeling. I found the story was really well done, but maybe the ending is a bit cliché. The sound was good, and well chosen on its own, but when mixed some things seemed out of place. The most noticable example for me would be the song, how it was awesome during the fight scenes, seemed to intense and fast paced for a death type scene, and how it continued to play after the movie was done. The sound effects and voice acting was good though, but the quality could use some tweeking.

Overall this was a good movie, only seemed to be lacking fine tuning, and polish on some areas. This will certainly keep the fans of the series entertained, especially with all the violence and action that many love about this series. I hope the next one can be even better than this one, im sure it will be. Nice job man!
~A single thumb up!

SolidSacketh responds:

ty for the review. I'll try to make the next one better. Most work on NG looks like they use the pen tool. I use the mouse and freehand draw, so its a different graphics effect, not so smooth and polished looking but I do a lot of frame by frame to make up for it. MAybe Im not improving much as these go, but the story in this one is what I emphasized and I did better with that than before. It didnt make front page for being #1, so I have a lot to work on. Now finding the time, thats half the battle..

Awesome, cant wait for the second part!

This was truely awesome man, in every way that i can think of. I really want to see how this episode turns out, im sure itll be fantastic just like this one. This movie was totally satisfying in terms of its main elements such as graphics, and sound and even extra things like its idea and length. Admittedly i have not been a big fan of this series but it has only gotten better since i last saw one, so that may change soon! Here is my review.

The graphics were fantastic and they were easily the most impressive thing in this flash, and most impressive visuals i have seen for a while now. The drawings were awesome, all the characters looked totally creative, and they were all very nicely detailed, especially santa! The starting image looked fantastic, the car looked pretty realistic, and the rest of the backgrounds did throughout as well. The colours often added a whole lot to the characters and even their personalities. Awesome animation as well, especially in the facial expressions. The style certianly deserves a 10 too. The animation style was the best i have seen it for your series here, and one of the better ones that are fresh on my mind for any movie i have seen recently. The idea was awesome too, although not fully explained in this first part. The presentation was so impressive, really like a TV show in a way. I mean first with a sort of funny introduction scene, then the theme song, it just seemed almost professionally done. The sound was awesome , it didnt quite give me that feeling i always look for, but i loved the voice acting as well as the sound effects. Cool theme song!

Overall this was an awesome movie, worth of at least one award. It was truely a blast to watch and i hope the next part will be the same. Please keep putting in the effort that your are puitting in now, and then youll grow an even bigger fan base!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

Awesome Ken!

This was really awesome man, this only makes me more convinced that i should have you in the top 10 or maybe even the top 5 of my favourite artists. Out of all your submissions so far, it is nearly impossible to select out just one as standing out as being great, or to select one that is maybe slightly worse than the others. Your are certainly one of the more consistnt authors on the site, personally i have yet to be dissapointed, and this is probably the same with many other people. Your ideas are always something to like as well, and your overall talent is awesome! Here is my review.

The graphics were amazing, and if even one time i see one of your submissions and dont think this way, then ill be worried that something wrong is going on! I dont think i have given anything under a 10 for the graphics rating this far. The drawings in this particular movie were awesome, they had your usual smooth drawing style with just the right amount of detail where it needed to be to get a full character feel across. The backgrounds generally did their job too, though i feel you could have had a bit more detail in the main movie, and even a simple one in the introduction scene, though they all looked good still. The colours were great, again very smooth and they all worked together pretty nicely. The animation was great too, perhaps the running of the retarded dog himself could have been done a bit better, but everything else was near perfection. The style was awesome too, not only because of your animating style, but for a number of other reasons too. Your idea was pretty cool, perhaps not the most original ever, but it seems you made sure it would provide some entertainment at least. Your presentation was good too, no matter what you make your ideas come out as creative thanks to a unique presentation you got, you always put in humour and usually a pretty memorable ending. Its a shame that we never get to see you continue a series for a long time though, the non-livingstons stopped at episode 2, i hope you can start up with it again some day. The sound was awesome too, it didnt quite seem complete, maybe because a lack of a little tune or something during the actual movie. But the background sound effects seemed pretty realistic, and the voice acting was superb yet again.

Overall this was an awesome movie, with tons to offer to your fans or to even get new ones coming along. I hope you can keep going with non-livingstons one day, or at least keep this series going for a while. Either way i have a feeling that i wont be dissapointed by any of your upcoming movies. Please keep up the awesome work!!!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

Wow! Really nicely done, awesome idea too!

Wonderful Job on this, you could just tell by the title alone that this was going to be really creative, with a very nice idea and presentation of that idea to back it up. I was truely impressed with how this came out, it showed what i think your idea was meant to be almost perfectly. Based on what i think you wanted this movie to be, i think nothng could have been done better, except maybe the graphics very slightly. Still the visuals were very good for this type of movie, and they certainly stood out as being creative. I hope you can make more movies soon with this amount of creativity in it. Here is my review.

The graphics were great nearing, awesome for sure. They were just about perfect for this style of movie, and hence they cant be magnificently detailed or structured. Either way i loved them ,and it seems many other people did too. The drawings were very cool, and all the little characters were fairly memorable, even if they were so simple. The detail wasnt that noticable, but you definitely had the correct amount. The animation was very smooth, and again fit the movie perfectly, and it was all nicely insync. The style was just perfect, simply fantastic, amazing really! Firstly, the animating style was awesome, i have absolutely no suggestions on how to improve it. The idea was fantastic too, kind of showing the cycles of life in a way, with an interesting choice of title. This is a great example of creativity and originality going a long way. The presentation was also fantastic, other than when you started showing the main characters work cycle, goes to work comes back and sleep over and over. That kind of thing has been done a few times before that i can recall. Other than that, it was really cool to kind of see an accelerated version of a man's life, it was very interesting and you did even put in many details, ie having a baby, doing pushups in the army and stuff like that. The sound was awesome too, in my opinion it was a great song and definitely fit the movie well. The quality of it was very good as well.

Overall this was an awesome movie, with lots to offer to anyone looking for a flash with any sort of meaning or message in it. Congrats on a very successful animation, and naturally after this i am expecting another very good submission so try not to dissapoint. Keep up the hard work!
~Standing Ovation! 5/5

Haha, very funny and very creative!

Awesome job on every aspect in this movie man. Im surprised how well this turned out with a different style and everything, plus i dont think the score quite reflects this, in my opinion. The graphical style wasnt the only original thing in this either, the whole idea was very creative. Maybe a little weird in a way, but certianly weird in a good way. I love how everything, with one exception, was done in terms of how you made your idea work with a cool animating style and funny characters. I can even see a series coming out of this. Here is my review.

The graphics were definitely something to be impressed by. While they werent "manificent" and "sublime" they did such a great job in this movie. The unique style you used added a whole sense of originality to it right off the bat. And i really liked how this style was done too, they almost seemed like paper cut-outs with simple moving mouths, it was just perfect for what you had planned on happening in this. The characters were cool, nicely detailed and certainly quite memorable. The animation was simplistic, but it was obvious you meant to keep it this way, and im glad you did. The style was awesome too, the one thing i didnt particularily like in this was the ending, i mean it just kind of happened, and then the movie was done. Other than that i loved everything, including the animating style which also helped out here. The idea was wonderful, and the way you presented it was almost even better. You did a great job of giving those characters personalities in a fairly short amount of time. The sound was very good, mostly because of the voice acting in this case. The expressions were fantastic, and each time they said "charlie" i started laughing out loud.

Overall this was an awesome movie on all levels, it would be cool to see these characters in at least one more cartoon, or even a series later on. You have the sense of humour necessary for a successful series on NG. Either way, keep on submitting high quality entries into the portal!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 5/5

TypeQueen responds:

Thanks for the review! :-)

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

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