Very nice. This could be an intriguing story!
Very good job on all aspects and levels. I really enjoy flash like these, very mysterious. With flash like this it is impossible to tell what will happen next, or how the story could turn out in the future. Which is why many people will be coming back if you make another one, they want to see how the story progresses and then later how it ends. But this wasnt just intriguing, everything was actually done well to back it up. So nice job overall. Here is my review.
The graphics were awesome for sure, however the drawings were kind of inconsistant. Sometimes they were really good, at other times on the same characters they descreased in quality it seemed. And the main characters seemed to change appearances over the course of this movie. Other than that, the character designs were nice in general. Cool colours, they gave a more realistic look to the visuals. The animation was good too, i enjoyed many of the effects like the glows and so on. The style of this movie was great for a couple reasons. Your animating style was good, and the plot was definitley intriguing as i said before. The presentation was a bit too slow however, some scenes may have dragged on longer than they should have. Nice cliffhanger at the end as well, that is sure to bring some people back for another one. The sound was great too, very cool music throughout and where there wasnt music, it was the right decision to put no music there. The slight echo on the space ship was a great addition to the sound, but you should find a way to make it less obvious when it stops and starts over. As a whole, the sound quality was excellent.
Overall this was an awesome movie, definitely worth a watch in my opinion. People looking for violence or pure humour crammed into a 30 second free for all, should not watch this. Anyone with good tastes would like this though, so keep it up. Im looking forward to another one this good or even better!
~Two Thumbs Way Up! 4/5