Great work!....
Its a shame you lost interest in this. I was instantly captivated by the graphics in the preloader. I thought the whole thing was going to be as amazing as that, unitl i read the author's comments. It was still great despite you losing interest in it. I will still explain each aspect in detail in my review. Great flash deserve Great reviews! (i have used that quote 3 times in a row now)
The graphics were probably the strongest element that this flash had, and for more than one reason. The drawings of the characters were awesome, i became slightly dissapointed when you tried the lip sync:(. The characters were very detailed and it seems you put alot of effort into just drawing the characters. The animation was good througout. It was smooth and i guess you did attempt he lip sync and it is better than many flash i have seen. What amazed me about the graphics though was the backrounds. They were exquisite and remind me of the art style in Bones(an amazing flash in top 50 in case you didnt know).
The style was good overall, but better in some parts than others. The animating style was awesome, and it also helps out with the visuals. The feel to this was great at some points and a little dull at the points where it lacked sound effects or animation. I loved the feel during the boat ride, it really felt like i was riding in a boat over a lake or something. Great style overall!!!
Sound was great to an extent. The only problem with sound to summarize it up would be the lack of it at some parts. There could have been sound effects where there werent any. Either than that sound was great, most of the sound effects that you did have were nice and the music was a nice touch. The voice acting was generally good aswell.
Overall this was very good and once again its a shame you lost interest in it. It could have been much better even though its very good now. Ihope you dont lose interest in your next project and either way keep up the great work!