Too original for me not to like it!
This was great, and everything about this was utterly original from what ive seen. I mean the graphical style, sounds, idea and presentation, and i havent even heard of that program that you used before! Even if it isnt original i liked it a lot.
The graphics were really good, and extremely originaly done, with the drawings done on paper and so on. Anyways the colours were..well colourful and vibrant in soem cases, and it just felt cool to watch this because of that. Surprisingly, everything blended together very well, and i wouldnt expect that from an animation with this unique style. The overall style was very good, animating style is original, but i didnt llike the style just because of that. I liekd the feel, thanks to the perfect blend of everything. If you can do this kind of thing well, then i will give you high style points. The only problem i had here is the begining which was a little repetitive and perhaps a little slow to get going. The sound was good, but once or twice some sounds seemed a little out of place, and not totally necessary, but it general i loved the sound. The sound effects suited their action very good, for example the police car sirens. The audio quality was pretty good, fit everything togetehr even further.
Overall a job very well done. I have high hopes for this series, as this was just the beginning, just an introduction. I expect the following episodes to be even better, anyways great work! 4/5