Perfect finish to an amazing series.
This could seriously not have been any better as a finale to any series. It summarized everything with an amazing level of clarity and explanation. It left nothing unknown to the viewers, and in doing so it actually managed to be almost too interesting. Ever since the beginning of this series you guys have been progressively improving from session to session up until this one. Up until the first time i saw Session 18 i had only seen everyone since #8, and after watching this for the first time i had felt obliged to watch every one since #1. It truly gets the "XIN" feel across when you watch it from beginning to end consecutively. I was surprised at how well everything in the story was continued so well from session to session. The visuals have also improved, along with the voices and everything else to do with this series. XIN is lke one movie; it's written as well as a good one, has many distinct characters, and an epic ending. Here is my review.
To start off the visuals were very well done and have only gotten better since the start. They arent quite perfect, but are still far above that of the average flash author. Each character definitely had their own unique look to them, no one character was close enough to another that anyone could get confused. There were also quite a lot of them. The backgrounds were more often then not, really well done and the detail they had was perfectly sufficient. On other occasions however, i felt as though they could have had a bit more to them. The colours always seemed perfectly natural and changing up the hair colours like you guys did throughout the series always made for interesting characters. I like what you did with the shadows, where sometimes you didnt see the characters eyes. I dont know exactly how you managed to do it but it kind of gave them a facial expression without them actually having one. Excellent animation too by the way.
The style of this movie, and the rest of this incredible series was pretty much worthy of a 10 all the way through. The style was really great for many reasons, too many to count on two hands. The animating style is just a small reason but still is one nonetheless. This animation style was so good because no one else on the site uses it from what ive seen. The main focus of this aspect has to be the amazing writing throughout this series. All the characters had really developped personalities and many of them even had an explained background story to them. The viewers found out about many characters' pasts through visions and flashbacks, and doing all of this really made for a "movie" experience. I bet some viewers even tried relating to one or more of the characters because their personalities were just so interesting. The story itself was simply excellent; very professional, extremely well-developped, and its ending was fantastic. The sound was also extremely well done throughout. In the earlier episodes there was no voice acting at first, but i like how you went back and edited them. The sound effects were awesome, they all fit their actions nicely and none sounded even the slightest bit out of place. The music throughout the series were all original pieces right? Well they were awesome, and always helped set the atmosphere just right. The voice acting REALLY made the characters come to life, almost as if they were real actors and not animated drawings. The expressions in the voices were almost always perfect as well. There was even some humour in places in the series.
So Overall this was an amazing series, quite possibly the best one on NG. You guys created something that can be turned into a movie; the characters and writing are there, as well as a totally unique concept. I can certainly see it becoming a movie one day. Anyways you guys did fantastic on this, and i cant wait to see many many more submissions from Life.1 !!!
-Standing Ovation 5/5