View Profile Chris-Aldin

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Wow nice job!

This appears to be the starting of a great and promising series. It did have a very interesting look on it and it was well done. I havent seen many flash mainly in 1st person so it was good to see that so you get a 10 for style.
The voice acting was also quite well done. I dont know what it was but something about the main characters voice created a mood.
Im no expert but i think the graphics could use just a little improvement. Perhaps add a little more detail in the faces.
But this is definitely worthy of a high score. Keep up the good work in the upcoming episodes! 5/5


A cool little flash indeed. Funny how it was all animated as puppits... keep it up!

Great job Everyone!!

Mynamewontfitin- It started off a little odd because there was no red but then it soon came and made the whole thing much better

TwinsenDude-This I must say was maybe the worst one out of the 8 movies because it was fairly boring and it really had nothin to do with love other than the heart.

Greedom- I really enjoyed this short film. The animation was sooo cute! :>) This song "Yesterday" goes great with the film and i loved it too. Also it showed how 2 different races can bond and love eachother which is always nice to see.

humbumpoop- This was also very good. I thought it was going to be just another love type thing but instead he had to fight someone to get his love. I found it funny how the massive heart fell on them at the end.

ZekeySpaceLizard- This one was too typical to be extremely enjoyable. But it wasnt half bad.

Valtrix- The graphics were okay and the voice acting was fair. But this one was a little different from the others so thats good.

Space_Chicken- Those fuzzy things are cool! All that was wrong with this one was the message and how it was hard to understand.

Dralnur-Cool and very different from the others,but it kept playin before i had a chance to click menu.

That was great!

I enjoyed this so much. I love how it looked exactly like the game would look. And i loved the music, how it was so cheery and all like old school. Anyway make more, im looking forward to your next flash.

Well Done...

This was very entertaining and im sure many enjoyed it. All that really needs improvement are the graphics and perhaps add a few more sounds. Other than that good job! 4/5

hexar responds:

yea, i removed all sounds cus i thought the music would make it kinda silly, in a good way.. And yes, we're all still learning :)


This is another sick/twisted flash by David Firth! Keep it up!

Crazy good!!

Very nice. First, the graphics are FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!
The sounds seem very real but there aren't enough different ones.
The ninja looked too cartoonish because the rest of the animation looked so great. I would of loved to see the Suburban Ninja use more weapons. Please, im begging you... make this into a series. Once again Great Job

OMFG Nice Freaking Job!!!

Dude your're fucking hilarious!!!! I was laughing the entire way through. Especially when the word "FUCK" was uttered. I really loved all your graphics. And the sounds was great, there was something different for every scene. I cant wait to see the last one. Please make another series when this one is finished!!!!! 5/5

Interesting concept...

Never in my life have I seen such an intense movie about hacky sacking. Nor have I seen a 3D stickman... But hey this was good and quite enjoyable. Obviously the concept is very original and unique. I would love to see this but with a non-stickfigure. Keep at it!! 4/5

I havent been on NG in so long, this redesign might bring me back!

Age 34, Male


Ontario, Canada

Joined on 12/6/04

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